Increasing student achievement starts with getting kids to class. Learn more about how you can inspire family engagement to increase student attendance and improve academic outcomes with Inform, a new product from TNTP.
A classroom at Holabird Academy in Baltimore, MD.
A classroom at Langston Hughes Academy in New Orleans, LA.
Before the pandemic, about 8 million students were chronically absent, missing at least 10% of school days per year. By the spring of 2022, that number more than doubled.
Children who are persistently absent in early elementary are less likely to read at grade level by third grade, less likely to graduate high school, less likely to attend college, and more likely to experience poverty as adults.
Students read together in ELA class at J.M. Ullom Elementary in Las Vegas.
Kory Bender teaches 4th grade at North Woods Elementary in Plymouth, MN.
Empowering families with clear, individualized attendance data boosts the number of days students spend in school.
Experience Inform's instant proactive support, delivering positive messages to families, fostering engagement, and boosting attendance in school districts.