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Professional Learning Series Registration

There are two options for each session. Please review the schedule that works best for you, and then select the option in the form below. If you are unable to attend one session, you will able to attend another session.

Please note that this form is to indicate interest in the training series. A member of the TNTP team will follow up with you to confirm official registration and payment details. 

Series 1: Leading for Multilingual Learner Excellence Dates

Series 2: Supporting Newcomer and SLIFE Student Dates



Option 2 

The Laws and Research Supporting Best Practices for Multilingual Learners 

May 14, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Aug 27, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST

Building Your ILT’s Capacity to Support Language 

May 21, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST

Sept 3, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST  

Empowering Multilingual Families to Engage in Your School 

May 28, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST  

Sept 10, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Coaching with a Language Focus 

June 4, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Sept 17, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Helping Teachers to Scaffold UP 

June 11, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Sept 24, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Recruiting and Retaining Language-Focused Staff 

June 18, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Oct 1, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST



Option 2 

Building a Program to Support Newcomer and SLIFE Students

May 15, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Aug 28, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Effective Instruction for Newcomer and SLIFE Students

May 22, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Sept 4, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Monitoring Academic and Linguistic Progress for Newcomer and SLIFE Students

May 29, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Sept 11, 2024 
4-6 p.m. MST 

Registration Form